Tuesday, July 7, 2015

First weeks

So last April I decided to move in with my girlfriend and her two cats.  Yes really…two cats in the house.  I have never liked having animals in the house. I have always viewed them as stinky, dirty, smelly things.  I really didn’t want them around me, on my furniture, and I didn’t want to touch them.  But well…they were her cats and they had been with her for fourteen years, so I figured they would probably die soon anyway. 
My first week in the house, the cats seemed to be drawn to me.  How do they recognize the person who doesn’t want to be around them and why do they want to sit on them?  I pushed them away, I moved them off of me…but they still kept coming back. 
And there are cleanliness issues.  Those cats can totally pollute an entire house with their shit.  I have walked downstairs only to be hit with a smell so foul it made me gag…running to open windows and doors and spray half a can of deodorizer.  Oh and puke.  Apparently old cats puke.  A lot.  Food that didn’t settle well, grass, pieces of plants, and hairballs.  Hairballs?  WTF is this?  A log of hair puked out onto the floor, the coffee table, the furniture…wherever is available.  Nasty. 
And fur everywhere!  These beasts shed all over the furniture, my clothes, the floor…I am pretty sure the walls are covered with it.  I use a lint roller every day, and still find hair on me. 
But, they are her cats and for some inexplicable reason she is attached to them.  I will deal with them for now…and like I said, they will most likely die soon anyway.  

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