Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Conversation with The Fat One

So The Fat One has an attitude.  She really won't take no for an answer.  Look at can tell. 

The Fat One on jumps up on the coffee table and sits there staring at me:
Me: "What?"
Fat One: "Mewwww!"
Me: "I'm busy. Just stay over there."
Fat One emphatically "Meeeewwwww!"
The Fat One climbs onto the couch and sits next to me.
Fat One in softer voice "Meeow!"
Me: "Really?  I said I was busy." 
Fat One sounding annoyed: "Mew!!!"
She climbs across my lap and lays there purring.  I tolerate it until she starts clawing me.
Me: "Ouch!" and I push her away.
Fat One, really annoyed loudly "Meeewwwww!"
She crawls back onto my legs.
Fat One, sounding very content "mew."

Ok, she might not know words, but she certainly does communicate. You can tell by how she says it what she means.  And yes, I know I just had a conversation with a cat...nobody else heard me so it's ok. 

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