Thursday, July 9, 2015

10 Reasons Why Cats Annoy Me

10 Reasons Why Cats Annoy Me:

 Their Kitty Litter- Smells up the entire house. I have changed my children’s diapers and they never even came close to this smell.  Even the foulest baby shit smelled like roses compared to the cats.

Their Food- now I know why their shit stinks so much

They puke…anywhere the feeling hits them.  They have started the puke process on the hard kitchen floor, then moved to the carpet…

They announce their puke.  They howl and make ungodly demonic sounds before they puke.  It is like they are coughing up some evil spirit from the depths of hell. 

Hairballs.  Not even sure what these are, but they are disgusting.

Hair.  They shed everywhere.  I find their hair on all of my clothes, even the ones that have just come out of the dryer. 

They choose to sit next to me, or on the table in front of me when they lick their butts.  They go to great efforts to lick their butts and show me everything that is happening. 

They choose to sit next to me.  At all times.  They will crawl on my lap, push themselves against me, and demand that I rub them.

They choose to sleep next to me.  If I sleep on the couch, they will walk all over me and find a comfy place to lay down on me.  I push them off, but they keep coming back.
They don’t understand that I don’t really like them.  They keep pushing themselves on me, trying to make me accept them…

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