Thursday, July 9, 2015

The White One

The other cat that lives here is Crackers, aka Crack Baby, or The White One.  She is crossed-eyed and has extra toes and she meows constantly.  She is named Crackers because she was found outside of a crack house in California.
She is the main shitter.  If a shit has wrecked the house, it most likely was her.  She also meows constantly like she is carrying on a conversation. She is the one that I find on my side of the bed constantly.  I come home and the sheets are covered with her hair.
She also comes when you call or whistle for her.  She will sit if you tell her to, and will go lay down somewhere if you tell her. She is kind of like a dog in that respect.  That gives her a few points too so I don't completely hate this one

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