Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Hello Community and fellow pet lovers. Im back with some good and bad news. So we'll start out with the bad news one of my cats has gotten ill, She's come down with Cat Cancer or its a tumor, the Vet said she's got maybe 2mos to live. I don't know why I'm doing this'but it's for a good cause. My cat  has 9 lives, I'm setting up a Go-fund-me for her all donations will be for her surgery, but here's the Pay Pal Account anything helps,plz and thanks .
James T. Jones


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Crazy Cat Haircuts

Weezy has very long hair, and from time to time she has to get a haircut.  She fights every second of the way...She gets a pretty normal haircut.  Want to try one of these one day:

See the strange sleeping positions cats get into...

Cats just seem to be able to sleep anywhere, any time!

What is the strangest place your cat has ever fallen asleep in?  Or the strangest position?

Monday, July 20, 2015

What "gifts" or "offerings" have your pets left for you? **WARNING DEAD RAT PHOTO**

So today one of the cats killed a rat on the patio.  I had no idea they could still kill anything and that they would even have any interest in making the effort.

I really hate rodents...so this cat has now earned my respect.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

An Interview with the White One

So Crackers is the mostly white cat.  She is pretty interesting looking with bright blue eyes that are crossed and she has extra toes so it looks like she has on mittens.
She is the older and crazier of the two cats that live here.  She does seem to have a lot to say, so I decided to ask her about her life.

Crackers, how are you doing today?  Are you having a good day?

(Looks around obviously content)"Meow"

Are your needs being met? Do you have enough food (I motion to the food dish)

(Runs to the food dish to show me it is empty) "Meeeowww!"

So I guess you would like me to give you some food...any particular kind?

(Rubbing across my legs impatiently) "Mrrrrrrrrrr Meow"

OK I'll give you this flavor.  Hopefully it suits your finicky taste. (I spoon the stinky food into the bowl)

(Takes a big sniff of the food and looks up in disapproval.  No words, "the look" is all I get.)

You know that is all you are getting, eat it or go hungry.

(Still trying for more food, rubbing on my legs) "Mrrrrr Meowww!"

Nope that is it.

(Stops rubbing around, realizes this is all she is getting, and starts picking at the food)

An hour later I hear her yowling and look over just in time to see her puking up the food on the living room carpet.  As she licks the last bit of nastiness from her face she looks at me..."Meow."

My Conversation with The Fat One

So The Fat One has an attitude.  She really won't take no for an answer.  Look at her...you can tell. 

The Fat One on jumps up on the coffee table and sits there staring at me:
Me: "What?"
Fat One: "Mewwww!"
Me: "I'm busy. Just stay over there."
Fat One emphatically "Meeeewwwww!"
The Fat One climbs onto the couch and sits next to me.
Fat One in softer voice "Meeow!"
Me: "Really?  I said I was busy." 
Fat One sounding annoyed: "Mew!!!"
She climbs across my lap and lays there purring.  I tolerate it until she starts clawing me.
Me: "Ouch!" and I push her away.
Fat One, really annoyed loudly "Meeewwwww!"
She crawls back onto my legs.
Fat One, sounding very content "mew."

Ok, she might not know words, but she certainly does communicate. You can tell by how she says it what she means.  And yes, I know I just had a conversation with a cat...nobody else heard me so it's ok. 

Talk to the Animals

So one thing I never understood was people who talk to cats or dogs.  I don't mean like calling them or telling them to go outside... I mean actually having a conversation with them.  My girlfriend will talk to them, ask if they're hungry, what they want to eat, and even what's going on.  The cats seem to talk back.  They meow on cue and seem to answer everything that is asked.  I just thought this was ridiculous, but I did catch myself asking the cat if she wanted to go outside and if she was hungry.  She did look at me and answer...not that I understood what she meowed.  I think she was just surprised that I talked to her.